ghostbusters international

#323 - "Venklin's McPizza" - June 19, 2017

This week on the show, VR, Ghostbusters International, slot machines, and horrifying misspellings. First, the boys chat about a few Ghostbusters Day odds and ends including the reaction to some of Ivan Reitman's comments on the future of the franchise, Reitman was also a guest at the E3 Expo talking virtual reality and we have some excerpts of that conversation, Diamond Select showed us a scale illustration of their firehouse diorama and gave us a breakdown of how many pieces will be included. All that and more on this week's Crossrip!

#249 - "Ghostbusters International #11" - December 5, 2016


This week on the show, all the latest news that's fit to print and a discussion about the conclusion of IDW Comics' "Ghostbusters International" series! First up, a little recap on the past couple weeks' events, some news on the Motiongate Dubai attraction, Ivan Reitman's comments about the future of the franchise (and his appearance on Canada's Smartest Person), a great article about the evolution of Slimer in Puppetry Journal, Violet Ramis Steel is writing a book about her father, the Ghostbusters of BC made a lucky kid's day, and a whole lot more! Then stick around for discussion on Ghostbusters International #11 and the exciting conclusion to the comic series that's spanned the globe!

#248 - "All By Myself" - November 28, 2016

Troy's flying solo this week, so we have a short mini-sode for you on the Crossrip. IDW's Ghostbusters International is coming to a close, Ivan Reitman is out there running with the torch talking about the future of Ghost Corps, and there's a whole lot of Black Friday/holiday season sales and merchandise out there to be had for Ghostbusters fans. And we'll do it all under 15 minutes, now that's economy!

#243 - Dan Schoening Returns! - October 24, 2016

This week on the show, the amazing, the spectacular, the DAPPER, Dan Schoening joins us on the show not just as an interview guest - but as a co-host! Along with Dan, Troy and Chris talk about that new Ghostbusters 5D ride in Germany, Bill Murray signing a Stern Pinball machine, that Honest Trailers release on Ghostbusters: Answer the Call, and a recap of the Vancouver Halloween Parade! After the news, Dan talks to the guys about Issue #10 of Ghostbusters International, on shelves now - some of the shocking developments in the story, what's next, and a whole lot more. PLUS we have the winners to our Boo It Forward contest announced on the show as well. Grab a Baconator and let's do it!

#236 - Ghostbusters Answer the Call Blu-ray Discussion with Tyler Foster/Writer and Contributor for DVDTalk - September 5, 2016

Ghostbusters: Answer the Call is coming to Blu-ray (in a variety of Blu-ray formats) and it's jam-packed with bonus features, so we called in the big guns with Tyler Foster of DVDTalk to break it all down for us. But before the interview, as always a little bit of news including the re-release of Ghostbusters: ATC in theaters, Steve Johnson's new book, and Chris and Troy's revelation that they're about four issues behind on IDW's Ghostbusters International. Join us this holiday weekend, won't you?

#235 - "Post-Film Release Malaise" - August 29, 2016

This week on the show, Troy and Chris talk through a little bit of a post-film release malaise. With the adrenaline running high leading up to the July release of the film, plus a few very disappointing things that have happened lately, the guys need to talk through some stuff. But first, a little bit of news including the Japanese release of the new film (which includes some cool merch items including 12" figures from Bandai) and a little Ghostbusters International and IDW Comics chat.

#227 - Andrew Shaffer/"Ghosts From Our Past" and Erik Burnham "Tobin's Spirit Guide" - June 27, 2016

It's our last proper show before Troy and Chris will see a new Ghostbusters movie so it's a jam-packed one. This week, Andrew Shaffer author of "Ghosts From Our Past" and Erik Burnham author of "Tobin's Spirit Guide" and "Ghostbusters International" join us! Up first, catching up on the news including a new animated series called Ghostbusters: Ecto-Force in the works, talking about the full Ghostbusters (2016) soundtrack track listing, Dan Aykroyd stops by Jay Leno's Garage and takes a spin in the new Ectomobile, the new GB cast stops by Graham Norton's Show, and then a "really quick" rundown of merch including Chris' first-hand experience with the new Activision Ghostbusters game. Then stay tuned for our author-centric interviews with Andrew Shaffer, who has "Ghosts From Our Past" coming out tomorrow and Erik Burnham author of "Tobin's Spirit Guide" in stores now and IDW Comics' Ghostbusters International on shelves monthly! (Note: Jackée Harry will not be featured in this episode of 227).

#225a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters International #4 and #5 - June 15, 2016

Join us this week for another trip to the Cyclotron for a roundtable discussing IDW Comics' Ghostbusters International #4 and #5. This time around, Ryan Doell of the Ghostbusters of BC and Matt Provencal of Cross the Streams Radio join Troy and Chris to chat about events that unfold in both of the two most recent books, do their best to point out all the easter eggs, and get tripped up when they try to name more than two French actors!

#223 - "Old-Time Ecto-Cooler Hooch" - May 30, 2016

The 32nd Anniversary of the original Ghostbusters is upon us and there's lots to talk about both classic and new. Join Troy and Chris as they chat Fathom Events, the return of Ecto-Cooler and a discussion on how it still tastes (especially when combined with other mixers), Ghostbusters International #5 from IDW Comics, chatting about that second Ghostbusters (2016) international trailer, the four new leads from the 2016 film showed up on Ellen for an entertaining interview, we'll play you some of the highlights including casting, action figures, and Chris Hemsworth, discussion on the Empire Magazine articles and a few gems hidden within them (including the return of Ghostbusters: Hellbent?), National Tyre's contest to send folks in the UK to New York City, then a rapid-fire merch round-up with Macy's, Diamond Select, Ecto-Mini cheat codes, Cryptozoic, and much more!

#218a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters International #3 Discussion - April 27, 2016

At long last, our Cyclotron roundtable discussing IDW Comics' Ghostbusters International #3 - the March release that's on shelves now! Join Troy and Chris with special guests Ryan Doell of the Ghostbusters of BC and Matt Provencal, who might have a recognizable voice as he is the co-host of Cross the Streams Radio. Join us as we chat plot twists, speculation, easter eggs, plus Troy gushes about Kylie like a junior high school kid and more.

#211a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters International #2 Discussion - March 9, 2016

Join the group in the Cyclotron to discuss IDW Comics' "Ghostbusters International" Issue #2! This week we have the artist behind the comic himself, Dapper Dan Schoening joining Troy, Chris, Ryan Doell of the Ghostbusters of BC, and Craig Goldberg and Abigail Gardner of the Georgia Ghostbusters. Listen as they dissect the issue's events, point out some of the easter eggs, and get some insight into the origins of the series from one of the sources himself! The issue is in stores now and is a must buy, go pick it up and follow along with the roundtable discussion!

#206 - "Ghostbusters Alright!" - February 8, 2016

It’s getting crazy out there (and something tells us this is just the beginning), so get caught up on everything that happened before this Friday with Troy and Chris. First up, the guys talk about the relaunch, and look in depth at the new imagery for both classic and new Ghostbusters (and discuss the distinction between Classic and New). One of those photos is our first official look of Chris Hemsworth’s character Kevin - why are they withholding his last name and keeping him ambiguous? Is it important to a plot point? Is he a Janine allegory? Especially given his distinctive costume choices? Oh, and as result of the website launch, Paul Feig tells us that a trailer is coming out by the end of the month. Dave and Busters is gearing up for Ghostbusters 2016 with a new photo op display and the guys talk a bit about gameplay of the ticket redemption video that’s out in the wild. New GB16 shirts are showing up at Target as part of a test run, have you found yours yet? We haven’t! Speaking of merch, this magazine Retailer Merchandiser keeps feeding us gold, including our look at some book covers that might actually include our first glimpses of the new redesigned Slimer? Martin Charles the Graphic Designer on Ghostbusters (2016) was profiled by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and discussed a little about what he contributes to a film. Halloween Life interviewed Eldo Ray Estes, whom you might not recognize by name, but you’ll recognize from one very particular soundbite in the first Ghostbusters film. Stern Pinball details have leaked about an upcoming cabinet and the different iterations that are coming (and those details were quickly taken down), but the guys still caught enough of it to chat about. Finally Death and Taxes asked the question that’s always been on our minds: just what was Slimer supposed to be?  

#205/#205a - Introducing The CYCLOTRON - A Roundtable on IDW's Ghostbusters International #1 - February 1, 2016

This week, you get not just the usual weekly Crossrip episode but we're introducing our sister-show, The Cyclotron! First up, Troy and Chris chat their usual news discussion including some chat about LEGO Dimensions and the under the radar announcement that a Ghostbusters (2016) tie-in console video game is coming from Activision. Also Hook and Ladder No. 8 in New York City is closing up shop for the next three years as it undergoes huge interior and exterior renovations and the boys have all the news that's fit to print on what's changing. The UK had a Toy Fair last week and Rocket Licensing showed off their first wave of tie-in products and boy, the sheer volume is a doozy! Entertainment Tonight interviewed Paul Feig on the red carpet at the Golden Globes and a seemingly trivial comment about test screenings has the internet in a frenzy, find out why. Nerf Herder is back with an all-new single from their upcoming album and it'll hit you right where it hurts, listen to an excerpt from their new song "Ghostbusters III." Plus, Sony has an Indoor Theme Park coming to Minnesota, Ghost Corps wants your franchises, and so much more... whew. And if that wasn't enough, we're spending the second half of the episode to introduce you to our new sister-show The Cyclotron! Special roundtable discussion episodes that will follow major releases meriting a little more in-depth discussion and analysis is what you'll find in these periodic episode releases - and this week we're pleased to be joined with Ryan Doell of the Ghostbusters of BC to talk about this week's release of Ghostbusters International #1 by IDW. Page by page, panel by panel, listen to the gang discuss this launch issue of an all-new Ghostbusters on-going comic volume and look for future episodes of the Cyclotron to feature familiar faces talking about very incredibly cool things!