
#425 - "Ghostbusters Daughter Book Club Part 1 - Pages 1 through 100" - July 2, 2018


This week on the show, we're starting off our first book club discussion on Violet Ramis Stiel's Ghostbusters Daughter: Life With My Dad Harold Ramis. Seulange and Brily of the Ontario Ghostbusters join Troy and Chris for the discussion, and we have your messages from social media and the voicemail to add to the discussion as well. So if you've read the first 100 pages of the book, join us in the living room for a chat, won't you?

#312 - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters 101 #1 - April 3, 2017


It's back! The Cyclotron returns for a roundtable discussion about the debut issue of Ghostbusters 101 from IDW Comics. Joining us this time is artist extraordinaire John Yurcaba to dissect the issue one panel at a time. But up first, a quick rapid-fire half hour of news including Real Ghostbusters hitting Netflix, Anovos showing off their proton pack at WonderCon, some other IDW release news, and another William Murray Golf shirt that'll most likely be impossible to get. Then, step into the Cyclotron as the roundtable discusses easter eggs, plot points, characters, art, and a whole lot more for the first issue of the latest Ghostbusters crossover!

#231 - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters Answer the Call - Story and Characters - August 1, 2016

This week, two podcasts in one! It's a proper Crossrip and a Cylotron - the first in our series analyzing Ghostbusters: Answer the Call. Joining us in the Cyclotron this week are Paul Gannon (of the CheapShow Podcast) and Page Branson (of the Level 7 Access podcast) to talk about the story and the characters of the new Ghostbusters film. But before that, there's a little bit of news including a very special fundraiser underway to make little Braeden a Ghostbuster from the For the Win Foundation. Plus some merch round up news, a little box office discussion, and a look at Paul Feig's spoiler-heavy discussion with Empire Magazine.

#225a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters International #4 and #5 - June 15, 2016

Join us this week for another trip to the Cyclotron for a roundtable discussing IDW Comics' Ghostbusters International #4 and #5. This time around, Ryan Doell of the Ghostbusters of BC and Matt Provencal of Cross the Streams Radio join Troy and Chris to chat about events that unfold in both of the two most recent books, do their best to point out all the easter eggs, and get tripped up when they try to name more than two French actors!

#221a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters (2016) "Trailer 6" Discussion and Breakdown

Bright and early this Wednesday morning, Sony Pictures dropped a surprise trailer on us all and boy Ned Ryerson was it a doozy. So many great new images, the original Ray Parker Jr. theme song kicking in, and there's that whole subtitle "Answer the Call" debate that we have a little inside information direct from the source. But it is a roundtable, this isn't some goofball reaction video on YouTube. We've gotta talk shop about this, in a spiritual sense of course - and we've brought in the best of the best of the best by teaming up with the awesome team at the Yes Have Some Podcast to join us. It's two podcasts for the price of none (yay free) with this special Cylotron that brings Troy and Chris together with Craig Goldberg, Abigail Gardner, and Jacob Walsh to dissect this trailer from start to finish. So what're you waiting for? The apocalypse? Check it!

#211a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters International #2 Discussion - March 9, 2016

Join the group in the Cyclotron to discuss IDW Comics' "Ghostbusters International" Issue #2! This week we have the artist behind the comic himself, Dapper Dan Schoening joining Troy, Chris, Ryan Doell of the Ghostbusters of BC, and Craig Goldberg and Abigail Gardner of the Georgia Ghostbusters. Listen as they dissect the issue's events, point out some of the easter eggs, and get some insight into the origins of the series from one of the sources himself! The issue is in stores now and is a must buy, go pick it up and follow along with the roundtable discussion!

#210a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters (2016) Trailer Discussion - March 4, 2016

The new trailer is here! The new trailer is here! Join us for the second (and largest yet) Cyclotron roundtable that dives into chatting about the trailer. Troy and Chris are joined by IDW Artist (Dapper) Dan Schoening, Georgia Ghostbusters Craig Goldberg and Abigail Gardner, and Ghostbuster of BC Evilyn13 to examine every nook and cranny of that trailer like an English Muffin, and through the process might reveal a thing or two that you hadn't noticed the first 200 times viewing it. Tone, humor, horror, design, and the master of comic panel easter eggs helps the group notice a thing or two deep within the frames, don't miss this one!

#205/#205a - Introducing The CYCLOTRON - A Roundtable on IDW's Ghostbusters International #1 - February 1, 2016

This week, you get not just the usual weekly Crossrip episode but we're introducing our sister-show, The Cyclotron! First up, Troy and Chris chat their usual news discussion including some chat about LEGO Dimensions and the under the radar announcement that a Ghostbusters (2016) tie-in console video game is coming from Activision. Also Hook and Ladder No. 8 in New York City is closing up shop for the next three years as it undergoes huge interior and exterior renovations and the boys have all the news that's fit to print on what's changing. The UK had a Toy Fair last week and Rocket Licensing showed off their first wave of tie-in products and boy, the sheer volume is a doozy! Entertainment Tonight interviewed Paul Feig on the red carpet at the Golden Globes and a seemingly trivial comment about test screenings has the internet in a frenzy, find out why. Nerf Herder is back with an all-new single from their upcoming album and it'll hit you right where it hurts, listen to an excerpt from their new song "Ghostbusters III." Plus, Sony has an Indoor Theme Park coming to Minnesota, Ghost Corps wants your franchises, and so much more... whew. And if that wasn't enough, we're spending the second half of the episode to introduce you to our new sister-show The Cyclotron! Special roundtable discussion episodes that will follow major releases meriting a little more in-depth discussion and analysis is what you'll find in these periodic episode releases - and this week we're pleased to be joined with Ryan Doell of the Ghostbusters of BC to talk about this week's release of Ghostbusters International #1 by IDW. Page by page, panel by panel, listen to the gang discuss this launch issue of an all-new Ghostbusters on-going comic volume and look for future episodes of the Cyclotron to feature familiar faces talking about very incredibly cool things!