box office

#626 - "Eaglemoss Builders Club Part 5" - July 13, 2020

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We’re back to building our Hero Collector Ecto-1 subscription kits, this week stages 11 through 13 (otherwise known as the blue hose stages). While we’re doing so, we’re talking about Ghostbusters being number one at the box office 36 years later, Ghostbusters Year One issue number 4 and what it sets up for the future, remembering Peter Aykroyd and Carl Reiner, and a whole lot more!

#231 - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters Answer the Call - Story and Characters - August 1, 2016

This week, two podcasts in one! It's a proper Crossrip and a Cylotron - the first in our series analyzing Ghostbusters: Answer the Call. Joining us in the Cyclotron this week are Paul Gannon (of the CheapShow Podcast) and Page Branson (of the Level 7 Access podcast) to talk about the story and the characters of the new Ghostbusters film. But before that, there's a little bit of news including a very special fundraiser underway to make little Braeden a Ghostbuster from the For the Win Foundation. Plus some merch round up news, a little box office discussion, and a look at Paul Feig's spoiler-heavy discussion with Empire Magazine.