ghostbusters (1984)

#728 - "Ghostbusters Draft Day" - July 19, 2021

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This week on the show, we’re joined by the amazing Ross May for a draft of biblical proportions: what if you could recast the original characters from the original Ghostbusters film with ANYONE from any time period? Who would you choose? Ross May of the Reitman for the Job podcast hosts Chris and Troy through their draft picks. Who will emerge with the strongest team — er, cast? Who will pull through with the pick everyone wished they had? Join us to find out!

#725 - "We Didn't Start the Crossrip" - June 28, 2021

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This week on the show, we’re exploring another fan theory - this time we explore if the Ghostbusters actually caused the very thing they were trying to prevent. Up first, a few news item recaps including some more talk about that Hughes & Thrall demo from last week and a very particular “error” someone spotted on the Ghostbusters Afterlife teaser poster. Then, in the second half of the show, the boys jump into debating if the Ghostbusters, by capturing ghosts and storing them all in one place, were the actual cause of the Crossrip that brought Gozer into our dimension. It’s a fun one, don’t miss it!

#712 - "Discogs Deep Dive" - March 30, 2021

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This week on the show, Ectomobiles are showing up in Apple Maps and we’re diving into the back catalog of Discogs! First up, in the news we remember a few fallen friends in our lives, explore a few Apple Maps locations in Alberta that are snapshots in time of Ghostbusters: Afterlife filming, and a merch item or two. Then in the second half of the show, we’re going through all the rarities, b-sides, and alternative versions that spark to us on a search of Discogs. What are the instrumental versions we didn’t know existed out there? Want to hear parts of a few of them? Stay tuned!

#627 - "Negligible Questions" - July 20, 2020

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It’s the end of the Ghostbusters World as we know it. On this week’s show, talking about the end of the mobile AR game, a wave of new fan films, Spirit Halloween offerings, and some additional merch including bobbleheads and custom Real Ghostbusters Ecto-Glow figures. Then, in the second half of the show, humor us for another thought experiment on the inconsequential questions we have from the original films. All that plus some thoughts on our poor fellow fan in Canada who received a note on their windshield because of their Ecto-1 replica license plate on the show!

#626 - "Eaglemoss Builders Club Part 5" - July 13, 2020

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We’re back to building our Hero Collector Ecto-1 subscription kits, this week stages 11 through 13 (otherwise known as the blue hose stages). While we’re doing so, we’re talking about Ghostbusters being number one at the box office 36 years later, Ghostbusters Year One issue number 4 and what it sets up for the future, remembering Peter Aykroyd and Carl Reiner, and a whole lot more!

#434 - "Halifax Commercial and Wizard World Chicago Panel" - September 3, 2018

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This week on the show, discussing the Halifax commercial that bends space and time to insert a pitchman into the 1984 film and presenting the entirety of the Wizard World Chicago panel! First up in the news: Ghostbusters Dimension is leaving Madam Tussauds in New York City, Chris and Troy talk about the Halifax commercial which alters the 1984 film to sell contact-less credit cards, merch news including new offerings in card gaming and backpacking, and an update on Rick Moranis' first convention appearance in San Antonio. Then, in the second half of the show, our friends the Circle City Ghostbusters have been kind enough to share audio from Ivan Reitman and Ernie Hudson's panel at Wizard World Chicago. In the panel, they discuss the past, present and future of Ghostbusters and answer several questions from those in the audience.

#430 - "Who Are These Guys/Ghostbusters Crossing Over #5" - August 6, 2018

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This week on the show, getting to know you (again), Ghostbusters World, slot machines, and IDW Comics talk for Crossing Over #5! First up, Troy and Chris would like to give you another little introduction to themselves, just in case you're a relative newcomer to the show. Who are these guys and why have they been talking about Ghostbusters for so long? Then in the news, we're talking about IGT's Ghostbusters 4D slot machines, Ghostbusters World possibly coming sooner than we think and more! Then, in the second half of the show, join us for discussion on the fifth issue of IDW Comics' excellent Crossing Over event! Spoilers are abound, so beware.

#428 - "Ghostbusters Daughter Book Club Part 2" - July 3, 2018

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This week, we conclude our book club discussion with the Ontario Ghostbusters on Violet Ramis Stiel's "Ghostbuster's Daughter!" That's right, in the last book club episode we discussed the first 100 pages, this go-round, we'll finish off the book which touches on production of the Ghostbusters films, Harold's later career, Violet having children of her own, and the unfortunate circumstances of Harold's passing. As before, we have your thoughts and voicemails to incorporate as well. It's a wonderful discussion, we hope that you'll join us!

#337 - David Crane/Designer and Programmer Ghostbusters (1984) - September 25, 2017

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This week on the show, we're incredibly honored to be joined by video game designer, programmer, David Crane. Crane, one of the co-creators of Activision and the man behind Pitfall, A Boy and His Blob, among countless other games was also responsible for designing Ghostbusters for the Commodore 64, Atari 2600 and multiple other ports. Over the course of the hour, we talk Atari's early days, designing games for the 2600, and in-depth on the Ghostbusters title. Join us, won't you?

#314 - Ivan Reitman and Special Guest Dan Aykroyd - April 17, 2017


Your ocular receptacles are not deceiving you! This week on the show, we're incredibly honored to be joined by none other than Ivan Reitman, the Director and Producer of Ghostbusters himself. And since this is our 100th episode of podcasting, we have a special treat as a bonus: a quick chat with Dan Aykroyd as well! Join us as we talk about the state of comedy, the longevity of Ghostbusters, and the what the future holds on yet another jam-packed edition of the Crossrip!

#220 - "Ghostbusters-Themed Nyquil?" - May 9, 2016

Troy and Chris are both still sick, but nothing's gonna stop us like Larry and Balki, so let's do it! Chris gives a recap on the 2016 Calgary FanExpo and their successful charity run. Ghostbusters (the original) is coming back to theaters in June care of Fathom Events and BBQ Films, will it be in 3D? And could the June 8th screening bring a new trailer for Ghostbusters (2016)? Real Ghostbusters DVD details (sort of) for those of you that don't own them yet. Reshoots and pickups on the new movie took place in Los Angeles last weekend. Merch updates including Troy and Chris' respective experiences in finding the new Mattel toys, or not, Cryptozoic updates, NAS clothing updates, and more...

#216 - Zack Ryder/Wrestlemania Intercontinental Champion - April 11, 2016

Join us this week as we crack open the Proton Charging vaults for a chat with Intercontinental Wrestlemania champion and fellow Ghosthead, Zack Ryder! All the news that's fit to print is up first, Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II get a 4K release on UHD, some Ghostbusters (2016) notes including clarification on the trailer everyone saw before Batman v. Superman. Then stay tuned for Chris chatting with the champ himself. Grab a folding chair, foil your knuckles, and smell what the Crossrip is cookin!