violet ramis stiel

#515 - "200th Episode Celebration" - April 15, 2019

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This week is our 200th episode! Yeah, we can’t believe it either. After a quick update on the latest Fan Fest and Ghostbusters (2020) news, Chris and Troy take a walk down memory lane with some clips of their favorite episodes: Dan Aykroyd, Ivan Reitman, Rick Moranis, Michael C. Gross, Violet Ramis Stiel, Sean Bishop, Alex Langley, and a whole lot more are all here! Plus, you were all kind enough to send in some thoughts on your favorite episodes and themes throughout the years, so we have your well-wishes and voicemails too!

#432 - Violet Ramis Stiel/Author "Ghostbuster's Daughter" - August 20, 2018

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This week on the show, we're joined by Violet Ramis Stiel, author of the new book, "Ghostbuster's Daughter: Life with My Dad Harold Ramis." Violet talks about her approach to the book, her father's balance of private and public life, the art of parenting the Ramis way, how his legacy continues on to this day, and so much more. "Ghostbuster's Daughter" is available wherever fine books are sold as well as on audiobook via Audible and Amazon!

#428 - "Ghostbusters Daughter Book Club Part 2" - July 3, 2018

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This week, we conclude our book club discussion with the Ontario Ghostbusters on Violet Ramis Stiel's "Ghostbuster's Daughter!" That's right, in the last book club episode we discussed the first 100 pages, this go-round, we'll finish off the book which touches on production of the Ghostbusters films, Harold's later career, Violet having children of her own, and the unfortunate circumstances of Harold's passing. As before, we have your thoughts and voicemails to incorporate as well. It's a wonderful discussion, we hope that you'll join us!

#425 - "Ghostbusters Daughter Book Club Part 1 - Pages 1 through 100" - July 2, 2018


This week on the show, we're starting off our first book club discussion on Violet Ramis Stiel's Ghostbusters Daughter: Life With My Dad Harold Ramis. Seulange and Brily of the Ontario Ghostbusters join Troy and Chris for the discussion, and we have your messages from social media and the voicemail to add to the discussion as well. So if you've read the first 100 pages of the book, join us in the living room for a chat, won't you?