Ghostbusters (2016)

#418 - "Paul, Steve, Ray and Ernie" - May 7, 2018


This week on the show, Paul Feig wants another Call, Ernie and Ray chat, and Steve Johnson does a little nose candy. First up, Troy and Chris discuss the click bait du jour as Paul Feig mentions on the Simple Favor press circuit that he'd like to do another Ghostbusters film, what does it mean? Also, Steve Johnson got a little more ink this week because of his unorthodox inspiration for Slimer - a new revelation most likely to come in his next book. Rounding out the show is some discussion about Ray Parker Jr.'s podcast with Ernie Hudson and a couple shout outs to the Alberta Ghostbusters and the Ecto Force of Florida. It's a fun one, make sure to tune in!

#240 - "Ghostbusters: Answer the Call Extended Cut Pseudo-Commentary" - October 3, 2016

Have you picked up Ghostbusters: Answer the Call on digital release? Have you made it through the hours and hours of bonus features and still want more? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Even though there are two fantastic filmmaker commentaries on the extended cut of the film, we've got sort of a "pseudo-commentary" of sorts for you. This isn't scene specific, but Troy and Chris talk about the additions and the changes in the extended cut, as well as what the two hours of deleted and alternate scenes have revealed with the release. And while it's not a proper, in-sync, scene-specific, it does match up to the film Dark Side of the Moon style if you start the episode around the same time as the podcast!

#237 - "Can't Keep Any of Us Down" - September 12, 2016

This week on the Crossrip, the boys catch up on news including Ghostbusters Answer the Call's return to theaters over Labor Day Weekend and beyond. Hot Wheels announces eight cars while Cryptozoic cancels some of their wares. The biggest names in voice acting did a live read of Ghostbusters in Toronto - and at the same time, hundreds of Ghostheads gathered in Atlanta for DragonCon and its sister gathering the PKE Surge. Oh, and Troy won a PKE Surge award! All that plus a tribute to a fallen Boy in Grey from the Louisville Ghostbusters, Todd Harrison.

#221a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters (2016) "Trailer 6" Discussion and Breakdown

Bright and early this Wednesday morning, Sony Pictures dropped a surprise trailer on us all and boy Ned Ryerson was it a doozy. So many great new images, the original Ray Parker Jr. theme song kicking in, and there's that whole subtitle "Answer the Call" debate that we have a little inside information direct from the source. But it is a roundtable, this isn't some goofball reaction video on YouTube. We've gotta talk shop about this, in a spiritual sense of course - and we've brought in the best of the best of the best by teaming up with the awesome team at the Yes Have Some Podcast to join us. It's two podcasts for the price of none (yay free) with this special Cylotron that brings Troy and Chris together with Craig Goldberg, Abigail Gardner, and Jacob Walsh to dissect this trailer from start to finish. So what're you waiting for? The apocalypse? Check it!