ghostbusters resurrection

#636 - "The Ghostbusters Interdimensional Resurrection - Part I" - September 21, 2020

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On this, the most glorious 70th birthday of one William Murray, we present a crossover event of biblical proportions: the Crossrip meets the Resurrection in a role-playing audio drama spectacular! Join Chris and Troy as Ghost Master Doug Banks of Ghostbusters Resurrection fame leads them through an incredible scenario as liaisons to the Paranormal Contracts Oversight Commission (or PCOC, for short). Just a couple of suits out on a routine inventory are about to embark upon the adventure of a lifetime. Will they be possessed? Will they ever be able to eat sushi comfortably again? And will they be stopped by the Rat King? All these questions and more are revealed in an incredible story spun by Doug. Ready to continue your adventure? Listen to the exciting conclusion in the Ghostbusters Resurrection feed immediately after! (Amazing cover artwork by John Yurcaba himself as well!)

#622 - Doug Banks/Ghostbusters Resurrection RPG - June 15, 2020

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We’re joined this week by Doug Banks, the creator/writer/game master of Ghostbusters Resurrection, the audio podcast that lets you listen in on a Ghostbusters RPG campaign! Doug talks with the boys about how the podcast version of his games came to be, how much work goes into each and every show, how he modified the game mechanics for new gear and new scenarios, and you can get started in the role playing game yourself!

#207 - "The End of the World Super Spectacular Special Show!" - February 14, 2016

We have a trailer! Well, a trailer FOR the trailer! We've got a special show planned for you to celebrate the Trailer Announcement that also just so happens to be on the date aliens in Paramus, NJ predicted would be the end of the world! Join Troy and Chris for a breakdown of the trailer announcement and perhaps some clues within for the future of what's to come. Then the boys will talk all the merchandise news that's fit to print because this week also is the New York International Toy Fair - Legos, fan clubs, Funko Pop Vinyls, there's a whole slew of good stuff coming that we finally got to see. Then, Cleanin' Up the Town's Kickstarter campaign happened in between recording sessions, and with it came a new trailer that the boys'll chat about. Also, great news out of Chicago as Second City has announced the Harold Ramis Film School opening in September, and there's a familiar name in charge of it. Finally, we'll get to everyone's fantastic (and fun) feedback to the Death and Taxes article discussed last week, including a guest appearance from the guys at Ghostbusters Resurrection. This is a CAN'T MISS episode of the Crossrip, especially considering the world might be coming to an end, join us for the last moments won't you?