josh gad

Reunited And It Felt So Good

Last week, in Josh Gad’s running series “Reunited Apart,” in which he brings the cast and crew of classic films together again (via Zoom during the global pandemic) focused on a subject near and dear to our heart’s: the original Ghostbusters film. Discussion is fantastic, ranging from first memories on set, to those iconic lines that were improvised in the moment. And special guests are plenty, including a Ray Parker Jr. performance with his son Gibson that you’ll want to be sure to see.

The episode, delayed to current events happening around the world, is the first step in Sony celebrating Ghostbusters Day for 2020 on July 1. And presumably just the beginning of a larger marketing campaign as we near the release of Ghostbusters Afterlife in March of next year.

You can hear all of Troy and Chris’ thoughts on the Reunited Apart episode, including some forensics on a particular Thanksgiving Dinner memory that Bill Murray puzzled the rest of the group about on the Ghostbusters Interdimensional Crossrip podcast here.