everett high school

Ghostbusters Production: End of (A Short) Week One

Throw a stone across the internet and you've probably seen the spy photos (sorry, per our guidelines we won't be posting them here) but the first day of filming on Paul Feig's Ghostbusters (2016) started yesterday out in the open on location at the Old Everett High School, appropriately located in Everett, MA.

The school was heavily featured as a filming location in Adam Sandler's That's My Boy and Jake Kasdan's Sex Tape and apparently in Ghostbusters seems to be doubling as Higgins Science Institute in the Bronx, that in the film's universe also used to be a middle school. At the beginning of the day, Kristen Wiig was seen wearing a scholarly wardrobe walking toward the school while students duked it out in the parking lot (maybe a little angry mood slime effecting behavior?) Stars Kate McKinnon and Melissa McCarthy were seen hurriedly rushing around the school with techno-gak in tow, including what appeared to be a server hard drive and a mysterious bag with a nuclear warning label on it. Judging by the contents in their hands and the rate at which they were traveling, are they fleeing with their research, or on their way to urgently assist? Only time will tell on that one. Production moved indoors to film interiors on Friday, and the veil of secrecy was once again lifted.

Getting the most traction among the buzz after day one of filming is McKinnon's costume, seen here recreated by outstanding IDW comic artist Dan Schoening. I think many are mistakenly believing her to be a pseudo-Egon in Real Ghostbusters but we might be seeing the personification of an untraditional scientist that many might be too easy to dismiss as a crackpot. "You regard science as some sort of dodge, or hustle," from the first film comes to mind.

Not much is known about the characters that the four main leads will be portraying but if the exterior filming on Thursday was any indication, McKinnon's character will be the colorful character to the more straight-laced Wiig and McCarthy.

According to posted filming notices around the area, the production will be back after the weekend break to film at the location into next week, then presumably will be moving on to another location or to the soundstages in the days following. It was definitely a thrill both to fans online monitoring the filming and to those in the Everett area that came to watch filming, and a rarity for a production to begin under the sun and out among the public giving us a quick glimpse of what's to come right out of the gate - something the currently in production DC Comics villain showpiece Suicide Squad also was subjected to in its first few days of filming as well.