Fans Get an Exclusive First-Look at the New Ghostbusters

Very, very early this morning, Chris at Proton Charging posted up an exclusive photo from the new Ghostbusters (2016) provided by the good folks at Sony as a first-look to the fans from, what we can assume is a location that will be seen in the film. It's a great image with a whole lot of attitude as the four new 'busters stand in a very New York art-deco looking locale. And, aside from the single group photo of the gang in front of the Chinese Restaurant during production, is the first official look of all four of the new cast together.

Still no word on a trailer, but one can assume it's still on the way. But in the meantime, this is a great sneak peek of things to come and a great gesture from Sony Pictures to send it to the fans first before it hits the mainstream.

UPDATE: Later in the day, an alternative shot, a little wider and with the actors posed slightly differently was released. This one gives you a better sense of scope that the image from this morning (look at the detail in that set).