windy city ghostbusters

#309 - Playmobil Creative Team: Alex Ruff (Licensing and Marketing), Peter Ohegyi (Project Management), Regina Welker (Creative Director) - March 13, 2017

This week on the show, we talk with the German team behind the Playmobil toys and trailers! Joining us around the 30 minute-mark are Alex Ruff (Licensing and Marketing, Product Management at Playmobil), Peter Ohegyi (Project Management, Animated Shorts and Games Apps at Playmobil), and Regina Welker (Creative Director at Woodblock) to talk about the upcoming line-up, the functionality and design of the toys, the future, and a little behind the scenes on the amazing four "reveal trailers" the team created to announce the toy line. But first, some quick news including Saturn Award nominations, Ghostheads out doing good deeds, and more!

#303 - "Cannonball" - January 30, 2017

On this week's Crossrip: IDW updates, Dan Aykroyd's tribute to Carrie Fisher, merch news and more! First up, updating you (as best we can) about the release date of IDW Comics' Ghostbusters Annual plus discussion on the sneak previews of the upcoming Ghostbusters 101. Plus, have you heard about the new IDW hardcover coming out? We really dig the name. Also Troy and Chris chat about Dan Aykroyd's tribute to Carrie Fisher in Empire Magazine, talk about the thirteen-minute preview of the Cleanin' Up the Town documentary, chat merch news, and discuss the incoming next generation of fandom.