
#616 - Steven Hoveke/Co-Founder, Printed in Blood - April 27, 2020

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This week on the show Chris talks with Steven Hoveke, the co-founder of Printed in Blood, about their upcoming Ghostbusters Artbook release. In addition to how the book came together and how the artists and their pieces were chosen, Chris gets the scoop on some of the other books the imprint has created for The Thing and Stranger Things. All that plus a little talk about the retro Real Ghostbusters figures popping up in Wal-Marts around the US on this week’s show!

#545 - "Who is More the Fool?" - November 18, 2019

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This week on the show, Chris and Troy catch up on merch news and the latest Ghostbusters (2020) chat including casting, title rumors, and Ecto Cooler fake-outs. First up on the merch train, Wal-Mart has a whole display of model cars, Eaglemoss figures that were previously exclusives are up for grabs, and William Murray has a pretty great Ghostbusters-specific item just in time for the holidays. In fan film and watchables news, check out V-Sauce’s “Could You Survive” Ghostbusters, some legal chat, and a couple of fan films. Then in the second half of the show, let’s talk about that rumored Ghostbusters (2020) title, the confirmed casting announcements, and just what was the deal with that Ecto Cooler “ad” that circulated last week?