jk simmons

#512 - "Royal Triplets" - March 25, 2019

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This week on the show, Ghostbusters (2020) updates, merch news, and a lengthy chat about a tiny detail neither Chris or Troy has ever noticed in the original Ghostbusters! First up, Stranger Things S3 has a new trailer, how does it relate to Ghostbusters, and how excited are the boys? Extreme Ghostbusters is on CTV in the Great White North, and it’s in shiny high-definition. Our Ontario friends are raising money for a good cause and raffling off to win a proton pack. And some merch news. Then, in our 2020 rumor round up, what does JK Simmons know (and how could he be involved) according to Entertainment Tonight? And finally, that detail which an amazing Twitter account pointed out to us - and what does it mean not just for the production schedule, but for the attention to detail the set dec for the original Ghostbusters paid?