guinness book of world records

#417 - "Music Video Canon" - April 30, 2018


This week on the show, Guinness World Records are broken, Jan Vogler engages on Twitter and is the Ghostbusters music video canon? First up, the latest in news including a follow-up on last week's conversation about the 800 number at the time of the original film's release, Rick Moranis joining the SCTV reunion in Toronto, a group of fans breaking world records at a marathon in London, Forbes magazine talking about Real Ghostbusters Playmobil toys, Terminal Reality back in the news after shutting down back in 2013, and more. Then, in the second half of the show, we discuss a topic presented to us: given that the Ghostbusters theme song appears in Ghostbusters II, does that mean the music video from 1984 is canon? Stay tuned!

#226 - Troy's Wife Kelly/"Listener Feedback" - June 20, 2016

This week we're opening up the phone lines and playing the huge backlog of voicemails that we have in the archive, plus talking with a special guest: Troy's wife Kelly. See, here's the thing - Kelly isn't a Ghosthead but she has to live with one. So how is she feeling about the new movie? What are her thoughts on the trailers? Does she miss talking to her husband because he podcasts so darn much? Find out as the two share a conversation after the latest news. Singapore's Guinness World Record, trailers and TV spots, magazines and books, lots of stuff going on. Then stay tuned for your listener voicemails including one of the funniest things we've heard in a while from a listener's son!