ghostbusters trailers

#550 - "Ghostbusters Afterlife Trailer A Listener Voicemails" - December 16, 2019

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Hard to believe that one week ago, we got our first glimpse at Ghostbusters Afterlife. But through the course of the week, you all have been hitting the voicemail with your thoughts, excitement, and a whole lot more. We thought we’d compile everyone’s messages into a single episode and turn this one over to you all - the mic is yours!

#335 - "The Proton Slinger" - September 11, 2017


This week on the show, we're recapping DragonCon and PKE Surge 2017, talking about Extreme Ghostbusters on its 20th Anniversary, and more! First up, remembering Extreme Ghostbusters - how has it already been that long? And why hasn't it gotten a proper home video release? Then the numbers are in and PKE Surge at DragonCon was a huge success! Want to talk t-shirts? 80's Tees has a whole bunch of new ones PLUS that long-teased Crossrip shirt is closer than you may think. There's a lot going on in the world right now, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires... we hope we can take your mind off it all for an hour. If you haven't already donate to the Red Cross: