michael k williams

#736 - "Afterlife Hits NYCC and Making Of Book" - September 13, 2021

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This week on the show, Ghostbusters: Afterlife is going to NYCC, a Making Of and Art book is coming in November, Halloween is coming, and remembering Michael K Williams. First up, we have a special guest as Chris’ son Thomas joins us for the beginning and end of the show and gives us his thoughts on Afterlife, toys, and a whole lot more. We also dive into speculating what may and may not happen at the NYCC Ghostbusters Afterlife panel: will they show the full film? Will they reveal a poster? And who will be there? Also author Ozzy Inguanzo has a “Ghostbusters: Afterlife - The Art and Making of the Movie” book coming November 23rd to coincide with the release of the film, Target is putting up whole endcaps dedicated to Ghostbusters Halloween merch, and a whole lot more!

#212 - "Is it Highlander II?" - March 14, 2016

Can you believe it's been eight whole episodes since our last proper Crossrip? Just a couple things going on. So join us for the first proper flagship show since episode 208 back in February as Troy and Chris catch you up on all the news that's fit to print. First up, some discussion on both the domestic and international trailers for Ghostbusters (2016), including a dissection of both trailers by the director himself in Verge and Empire Magazines. Paul Feig talked Ghostbusters on the Ellen Show and The Nightly Show with Larry Willmore chatted the newest controversy that has been surrounding the film. The viral marketing campaign begins with the Kenneth Higgins Institute, while Ecto Cooler prepares for its triumphant come back. Michael K. Williams talks his scenes with Slimer... oh, and the in-development Ghostbusters animated film has a new director! So much to catch up on, it's going to take an hour and a half to do it all, so get ready!