#719 - "GBAUA (Ask Us Anything) Round 2" - May 17, 2021

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Dan Aykroyd has seen Afterlife, Variety dives into Kate McKinnon’s anxieties (and how they inspired a certain Ghostbuster), and is Trevor changing the oil on the car in the middle of nowhere? That’s right, it’s another week and another episode of the Crossrip. We’re starting out with all the news fit to speak including Dan Aykroyd’s toast and comments about Afterlife (and his snub on SNL last week), Variety talking to Kate McKinnon about her social anxiety and comedy being her defense, and a few merch items. Then in the second half of the show, we’re answering your questions: when will we see another trailer? What’s in store for Ghostbusters Day? How can kids continue a legacy started in 1984? All that and a whole lot more awaits you,!