ghostbusters of north carolina

#404 - "The Ghostbusters Sequel (At Least One of Them) That Never Was" - January 29, 2018

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There have been many Ghostbusters sequels that never came to fruition, but what were some of the iterations of Paul Feig's Answer the Call that didn't materialize? This week, Troy and Chris explore what could have been through the unveiling of new blue sky concept art. All that plus the latest news including Playmobil's latest Ghostbusters II offerings that include Playmogram 3D technology, IDW's Crossing Over and Annual on the horizon, updates from the Ghostbusters of North Carolina, sad news about the passing of a fellow fan from the Dallas Fort Worth Ghostbusters, and Troy absolutely gushes about A Futile and Stupid Gesture now available on Netflix.

#336 - "Ghostbusters: A Movie About Nothing" - September 18, 2017


Listen to this, Jerry - it's a movie about nothing. No really. We'll explore Patrick Willems' video that posits Ghostbusters was a film essentially about nothing. What did he mean by that, and can we offer a rebuttal? Find out this week. Also on the show: the Ghostbusters Ectomobile Owner's Workshop Manual gets a preview, the Ghostbusters of North Carolina get some screentime, Ghostbusters pinball is coming to your consoles, and could a proton pack be effective against Pennywise? (Due to technical difficulties, Troy sounds like he's broadcasting from a submarine somewhere off the coast of California. Apologies.)